The Potential Effects of Doum and Mustard Seeds on Raising the Fertility Level of Male Rats

نوع المستند : بحوث کاملة محکمة


قسم التغذية وعلوم الاطعمة کلية الاقتصاد المنزلى جامعة المنوفية شبين الکوم مصر


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Doum and Mustard seeds powder on fertility level of male rats. Thirty mature male rats weighting 160 + 10 g were randomly distributed into equal five groups. Six rats served as control negative group while twenty four rats were injected by two doses of cadmium chloride intraperitoneal to induce sterility.These rats were reclassified into control positive group and three treated groups that fed on standard diet containing 5% Doum, 5% Mustard and 5% their mixture.At the end of the experiment (28 days) blood samples were collected for determination of serum levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone , liver functions markers ( GOT ,GPT , ALP), kidney functions markers ( urea , creatinine and uric acid ), serum glucose level and lipid profiles . The testicles were extracted for a pathological examination and measured the activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD , GPx and CAT). The results showed that consuming the powder of Doum , Mustard and thier mixture at 5% for 28 days caused a significant increases in serum levels of HDL , T, FSH and LH hormones and testes tissue antioxidant activities associated with alleviation of testicular degeneration but with significant decreases in the rest of the analyses referred to previously, as compared with control positive group. In conclusion, the administration of Doum and Mustard can lower the side effects of cadmium chloride testicular damage and improve the health status of testis with increase of reproductive potential .

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