Peer Review Process

Journal of Specific  Education and Technology (Scientific and Applied Research) (JSET- KU) uses a double-blind review process.

1. Submission of Manuscript

The corresponding author submits the manuscript to the journal. The journal accepts submissions via the email through the journal’s website.

2. Manuscript Screening

The manuscript will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. To be recommended for external peer review, manuscripts must:

  • Fall within the journal’s research fields
  •  Meet the academic standards for articles published in the journal.
  •  Be written in clear and grammatically correct standard academic English
  • Be unpublished and not currently under consideration by any other publisher

3. Invitation to Reviewers

Submissions that meet the editorial board’s requirements are then sent to two independent reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The reviewers’ critiques should declare the following:

  • Importance / timeliness of topic
  • General quality of writing
  • Introduction to the problem and theoretical framework
  • Research methods
  • Importance of the findings
  • The originality of the work based on how much it advances the field.
  • Identify missing or inaccurate references.
  • Recommending that the manuscript be published or rejected.
  • Reviewers have two weeks to review the manuscript and to advise the editor on the acceptance, acceptance with revision, or rejection of the manuscript. 

4. The Decision is communicated

  • Editor turns the accepted manuscript with a revision to the corresponding author via email.
  • Author handles the reviewers’ recommendations, and makes any suggested changes in the manuscript and returns it to the editor.
  • The editor reviews the manuscript. The editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of manuscripts. The editor's decision is final.
  • The flowchart of the manuscript review process is shown below: