The Place And Its Aesthetic And Dramatic Connotations In Henrik Ibsen's "Doll House"


Faculty of Specific Education - Tanta University


Research Absract:
This Study Seeks To Identify The Importance Of The Vital Role That The Supposed Dramatic "Place" Plays In The Text Of "The Doll's House" By "Henrik Ibsen".
The Place Has Become An Integral Part Of Human Life, And Theater Transmits The Experience Of This Human, Therefore, The Place Has Acquired A Manifest Importance In The Theatrical Field.
The Importance Of The Dramatic Place Is Clear, Not Only At The Geographical Level, But Also At The Intellectual Level, Which Is Presented By The Author And Embodied By The Director.
The Play “Doll House” Is One Of The Most Important Social Plays Of “Ibsen”, Whereas, The Boldness Of The Topic, The Seriousness Of Its Handling And The Dramatic Proposition, Confirmed The Extent To Which "Ibsen" Has Mastered His Art And His Belief In The Word, Which He Strives To Reach The Public.
Most Important Results Of The Study :
1-The Aesthetic Composition That Ibsen Focused On At The Beginning Of The Events Of The Theatrical Script, Which Is Represented By The Simplicity Of Composition, The Good Arrangement Of The Pieces Of Furniture Scattered In The Room, In Addition To His Ability To Use Them Dramatically In Each Chapter Of The Play.
2-The Stability Of The Place Throughout The Events Of The Play, As "Ibsen" Intends To Be A Fixed Place, From The Beginning Of The Events To The End, With Some Slight Changes.


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