The dramatization of the short story "Al-flanfat " as a model,by Mohammed Hafez


Faculty of specific Education - University of Tanta


The research aims to identify The dramatization of the short story and its techniques, and how The dramatization process takes place, by applying to the story of the flankat and its dramatic theatrical text by the writer Muhammad Abdel-Hafez Nasif.
The research belongs to descriptive studies, and I benefited from both: the analytical method and the comparative method.

The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are:
- "Abdel-Hafez", during his dramatization of the short story "Al-flanfat, relied on the same title, to indicate the similarity in the idea and content of both works. - According to Abdel-Hafez, adding many characters - even if their attendance is hypothetical - has affected the escalation of the dramatic event, but rather burdened the event and dialogue such as the father, mother, arbitrator, and employee, so it emphasized the forms of oppression that people are subjected to in society.
- "Abdel-Hafez" was interested in the symbol and its crystallization in the story and the play, but it was more powerful, clear and influential in the play than the story in order to emphasize the coercive condition experienced by the intellectual.
- "Abdel-Hafez" employed intertextuality in both works to emphasize the gloomy image of society and the lack of freedom of opinion that the intellectual suffers, loss of affiliation, and lack of identity, but he employed him in the play more clearly from the beginning with the "theatrical margin" to the end of the play.


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